24 Ways You Can Support Arvada Right Now

The Arvada Chamber and our partners on the Arvada Resiliency Taskforce remain committed to helping all businesses and the community thrive in this unprecedented time. The good news is we can all help do this: in big and small ways, everyone in the community can contribute to supporting Arvada. Below find ideas for how you can help our businesses, non-profits, and the community right now.


Shop local businesses online. This is probably the simplest and safest way to support local businesses if they have a website. It’s now easier than ever to get your items delivered with couriers like tnt couriers, who have expanded their fleets to cope with demand. You can buy products from the safety of your own home, even if you’re isolating, and you’ll never come into contact with another person at any point.
Buy gift cards. Gift cards have been popular for a while now, and work well as a socially-distanced gift for those pandemic birthdays. Check out the Arvada Gift Card Hub for gift cards you can buy online.
Order Takeout or Delivery. If you’re looking for breakfast, lunch, happy hour, dinner, or dessert, our Takeout Takeover page lists over 130 local options! Plus, we have updated this resource with addresses to help you find a new favorite Arvada restaurant.
Participate in a virtual experience. Whether it be fitness and dance classes, virtual art gallery tours, videos of live theater performances, or music and art lessons, local businesses are offering more and more ways to connect online. View a calendar of virtual experiences here.
Post an online review for a small business.
Follow your favorite business on social media.
Shop now for future occasions. Support businesses early for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, back to school shopping, birthdays, and even Christmas. Schedule Spring cleaning appointments, home improvement projects, and yard work.
#TipBigAndGoHome. When shopping local, order directly from the merchant or restaurant, pick up the item yourself and tip as if you are dining in.
Buy branded merchandise. Your favorite coffee shop, bakery, brewery, artist, or fitness studio may have some t-shirts, hats, tote bags, pins, mugs, or any other swag on sale. Check out their online store and see what you can buy. Then proudly show off your new merchanise on social media!
Continue to pay for services. If you typically pay a business monthly, such as a local gym, studio, or home cleaning service, consider still paying them as if you were using the service.
Say thanks. Write a card, order flowers (hey – that helps the flower shop too!) or send a gift to the staff of your favorite small business. A simple thank you can go a long way to brighten someone’s day.


Make a financial donation to your favorite (or a new) non-profit. Find a list of Arvada non-profits here and Jefferson County organizations here.
Have food delivered to the frontline staff. Our new program Chow For Champions helps feed champions of Arvada like first responders, healthcare workers, and non-profits. You can support these efforts with contributions as little as $10. Learn more here.
Donate to the Community First Foundation Jeffco Hope Fund. This local fund is intended to strengthen and stabilize Jeffco community organizations responding to and impacted by COVID-19. Learn more here.
Attend a “Virtual Fundraiser.” Outdoor Lab Foundation, Jeffco Schools Foundation, The Family Tree among others are offering innovative virtual fundraisers.
Share a story or post from a non-profit you support on social media.
Seek out a non-profit committee to participate with virtually.


Say “Thank You” to the staff at the essential businesses you need to visit.
Be patient with fellow shoppers. Strong social connections are so important to our ability to recover as a community.

Create a resilient neighborhood. If you have your neighbors’ contact information, start a phone tree, or group message for regular check ins to make sure everyone has what they need. Use the City of Arvada’s Talent Bank tool to collect that info. Once you have everyone’s contact information, determine what the needs are. Offer to run errands or pick up groceries or mow the lawn for someone who is elderly or immunocompromised. Schedule regular phone calls with someone who is simply paralyzed by anxiety.

Sew masks. “Operation We Can Sew It” urges Coloradoans to make masks for health care workers. Learn more here.
Donate blood/plasma. Learn when and where you can donate here.
Share#KindArvada acts. Share examples of kindness you witness with the hashtag #KindArvada and the Arvada Chamber will repost. We are looking for examples of people going out of their way to help others in the community. These can be stories of assisting the elderly or sick or less fortunate, stories of kind gestures for our heroes in the medical field, thoughtful initiatives for or from businesses, or a simple act like shoveling snow for a neighbor.
Engage in Creative Neighboring. The City of Arvada’s challenge to you – how will you stay connected to your neighbors/nurture the relationships between neighbors while being physically distant? Think creatively. Examples include: Front yard zumba classes, window art scavenger hunts, and virtual neighborhood game nights. Share your ideas and photos on social media and at Speak Up Arvada.


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