Meet the Talent KAPS Council

What is KAPS?


KAPS stands for Kick-Ass Problem Solvers. These groups of business and community leaders are brought together to work diligently toward an aligned outcome that will solve a persistent problem.

The Vision


We will ensure Arvada and Jefferson / Adams Counties develop, retain, and attract the skilled workers needed by area employers; we will ensure a competitive advantage for area employers through quality workers and for workers through quality jobs that grow our economic base and lead to a thriving economy for all.

The Goal


Grow our talent to meet the needs of employers and job seekers.

Talent KAPS Council Members

Brad Rupert

Brad Rupert

Retired Attorney

More About Brad

Why is the work of this KAPS Council important to you?

I hope to better prepare our students to join the workforce and connect them to employers.

Heather Waldron

Heather Waldron

Jeffco Public Schools

Danielle Varda

Danielle Varda

Visible Network Labs; The Arvada Community Room

More About Danielle

Why is the work of this KAPS Council important to you?

Working together with community partners to create pathways for people to find work, especially work they love, is something I’m passionate about. As a business owner, a professor, and an elected official, I’ve had the privilege to work across sectors. My hope is that we can create opportunities for people to find the support and resource they need to build career paths for successful, healthy, and happy lives.

Ben Gerig

Ben Gerig

Colorado Succeeds

David Carroll

David Carroll

JeffCO Economic Development

Nazia Hasan

Nazia Hasan

Colorado Gives Foundation

More About Nazia

Why is the work of this KAPS Council important to you?

KAPS Council’s work is important to me because it aims to further align the needs of learners and business with coordinated efforts across systems.

Matthew Sweeney

Matthew Sweeney

Red Rocks Community College

More About Matthew

Why is the work of this KAPS Council important to you?

Coordinating efforts is essential to this work, but very hard to accomplish these days. To succeed, we need a strong convener that can focus the work and leverage relationships.

Michelle Foley

Michelle Foley

Jefferson County Business and Workforce Center

More About Michelle

Why is the work of this KAPS Council important to you?

We have such an incredible opportunity to strengthen our talent development ecosystem to better support economic stability and growth of our residents and businesses. We are stronger together and am dedicated to supporting a thriving, equitable, inclusive Jefferson County economy.

Shayley Levensalor

Shayley Levensalor

Jeffco Public Schools

More About Shayley

Why is the work of this KAPS Council important to you?

The opportunity to create stronger and intentional partnerships through our work with the KAPS Council will build coherence for the futures our youth deserve! Through our work with the KAPS Council, our teams in Jeffco Public Schools will have even better insight to align the learning, exploration and programming we offer to current and future industry and workforce opportunities in our communities.