Arvada City Council
Councilmembers left to right are: Bob Fifer, At-Large; Lisa Feret, At-Large; John Marriott, District 3; Marc Williams, Mayor; Lauren Simpson, District 2; Randy Moorman, District 1; David Jones, Mayor Pro-Tem and District 4
The Arvada City Council is composed of seven directly elected citizens.
- The Mayor represents the entire City of Arvada, presides over City Council Meetings, and performs official duties.
- There are two Councilmembers At-Large, who represent the entire City of Arvada.
- There are four District Councilmembers, each residing within and representing the citizens of their specific District as indicated on the City Council District Map.
The Mayor and City Councilmembers are elected to four-year terms. Elections are held in November of odd-numbered years (2021, 2023, etc). Terms are staggered so that the seats for District #1, District #3 and one At-Large seat are elected in one election cycle; and District #2, District #4, the Mayor’s seat and one At-Large seat are elected in the next election cycle. Councilmembers are limited to three (3) four-year terms for a specific seat. An individual elected to represent a specific district can serve in that capacity for three terms but then has the option of running for an At-Large seat and serving an additional three terms.