How Does Acupuncture Work? | Heide Manns, Life Long Acupuncture

May 08, 2019

How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture works by assisting the body in its natural ability to heal. Acupuncture enhances circulation, releases endorphins, stimulates immune function, and reduces pain. Within a series of treatments, acupuncturists use the insertion of acupuncture needles in various locations on the body, as well as other adjunct treatment modalities to facilitate healing. In a regular treatment program, energy improves, and often the symptoms that were the main concern are reduced and sometimes eliminated. Acupuncture improves circulation, thus improving energy flow in the body. When the body’s energy is moving optimally, more efficient healing may occur.

Does it hurt?
Acupuncture does not typically cause pain. Some needle insertions may be less comfortable than others, but most are not even felt at all. The needles are very thin and solid and completely different from the hypodermic needles that most people think of.

What is the treatment like?
The acupuncturist will do an initial intake with each patient to gain information that is used to create a treatment protocol. Great care is taken to record a full health history and a thorough understanding of the overall state of health of the individual. Acupuncturists use questioning, tongue diagnosis (they look at your tongue to view the state of the inner workings of your body), and pulse diagnosis (which is more than just assessing the pulse rate, qualities are felt that coincide with a diagnosis to be made). When the intake is over, the acupuncturist will ensure that the patient is comfortable and will then insert the needles, which are sterile and single use only. Massage or cupping may be used before or after acupuncture is administered to assist in the movement and circulation of energy.

If you are interested in how acupuncture, Chinese medicine, meditation, exercise, and nutrition can help you to nourish your heart and well-being, please contact us at Life Long Acupuncture, Arvada CO.
Heide Manns, Licensed Acupuncturist, Pilates Teacher
Photo Credit: Antonika Chanel


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