April AYP Member of the Month: Vanessa Kendrick, Your Castle Real Estate

Organization name, job title and years in your industry
Real Estate Broker with Your Castle Real Estate, 7 years

What’s your favorite thing about Arvada?
The sense of community and support we each give to one another, especially now during these difficult times.

What makes you want to be involved in AYP or the Chamber?
I believe the Chamber is a strong organization that helps businesses make meaningful connections and provides valuable resources to its members. I have benefited greatly both personally and professionally from my membership in the Chamber and AYP.

What do you enjoy most about your work?
So much! I love being able to help guide and educate my clients through a smooth transaction, give them confidence to make a wise investment, and feel the same joy they feel when they make a big move! I love that my job enables me to be involved in the community and provides flexibility to devote time to family.

What is a piece of career advice that has served you well?
I have answered this question before with this: Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment. This time, I will add: The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself. From The Go Giver by Bob Burg

Stay in touch!
vanessa@vkrealestateco.com | Website 

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