By Kylie Parks, Arvada Chamber Director of Talent Pipeline Development
On Tuesday, March 14, the Arvada Chamber, along with the Jefferson County Business & Workforce Center, convened and facilitated the Metro-West Advanced Manufacturing Alliance kick-off meeting between Advanced Manufacturing industry leaders (Kratos Industries, Faustson Tool Corp., Barber-Nichols, and more) and Jeffco-area public partners (Arvada Economic Development Association, Jeffco Public Schools, MSU – Denver, and others).

Developing sector partnerships is a critical part of the B.O.L.D. 2026 initiative, as the Arvada Chamber works to catalyze a coordinated regional approach to meet talent needs. Advanced Manufacturing is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in our region, making it a priority for our community to gather leaders to create solutions that are trend-driven by the industry itself.
The goal of this meeting was to discuss the goals of a sector partnership (collaborative networking, shared solutions, and shared industry success) and identify top trends to establish action groups to solve some of the most pressing issues.
The top trends identified by the industry leaders included:
- Talent – Recruitment
- Talent – Upskilling
- Industry Awareness and Marketing
- Supply Chain
The group will meet on a regular basis, and form action teams around the four top trends, to continue working towards solutions.
B.O.L.D. 2026 is a five-year regional economic strength and resiliency initiative of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber developed BOLD 2026 in consultation with private and public sector leaders and partners in Arvada, Jefferson / Adams Counties, Metro Denver and the state of Colorado. One goal of B.O.L.D. 2026 is to grow our talent to meet the needs of employers and job seekers. Learn more about our talent challenges and work here.
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