On October 21, 2022, the Arvada Chamber of Commerce hosted Ballots and Breakfast, featuring candidates from County, State, and Federal races. Election day is November 8, 2022.
Thank you to the moderator, Jim Siedlecki, Deputy County Manager at Adams County Government. Below, find more information on the candidates, a video recording of the event, and additional resources. View photos from the event here.
[su_panel background=”#bddee1″ border=”0px solid #ffffff” radius=”5″ target=”blank”] Ballots and Breakfast Video
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Jefferson County Candidates:
(Questions covered: Wildfire mitigation, budget limits and prioritization, and biggest challenge in Jeffco)
- Lesley Dahlkemper
- Donald Rosier
(Provided 3-Minute Remarks)
- Amanda Gonzalez
- Vicki Pyne (Not in attendance)
(Provided 3-Minute Remarks)
- Matt Archuleta (Not in attendance)
- Annette Cannon
(Questions covered: Opioid crisis / fentanyl bill, staff retention & recruitment, and budget constraints)
(Questions covered: View on budget, transparency and education of the public, and timely collection)
- Jerry DiTullio
- Faye Griffin
(Questions to cover: Office effectiveness, economy shifts and home values, and biggest challenge)
- Scot Kersgaard
- Libby Szabo (Not in attendance)
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State and Federal Candidates:
(Provided 3-Minute Remarks. Questions covered: Unemployment fund, housing, and challenges facing our state)
(Provided 3-Minute Remarks. Questions covered: Public safety, business stakeholdering, and challenges facing our state)
(Provided 3-Minute Remarks. Questions covered: Role legislature should play in local workforce development, small business impact of new bills, and challenges facing our state)
- Tim Walsh
- Lisa Cutter
(Provided 3 Minute Remarks. Questions covered: Inflation, supply chain challenges, and healthcare)
General Election Information
- Jefferson County Election Page (Election security info, FAQs, dates, more)
- Adams County Election Page (Election security info, voting locations, more)
- Arvada Election Info (Registration info, ballot drop locations, more)
Join the Arvada Chamber on November 18 for the State of the Region (formerly Mayors Round Table) at Social Capitol Events, catered by Footers.