The Arvada Economic Development Association (AEDA) provides business and commercial development services to new and existing businesses in Arvada to help them grow and thrive. As the key economic development partner with the City of Arvada, AEDA assists businesses and developers in collaborating with the City to ensure the smooth execution of projects from start to finish. Additionally, AEDA provides tools and resources to Arvada businesses to help them succeed in today’s competitive business community.
In what ways are the B.O.L.D. 2026 goals aligned with AEDA’s work?
AEDA’s mission centers around the holistic support of new and existing businesses. B.O.L.D. 2026 priorities are responsive to the articulated needs of Arvada’s businesses. These include strategies such as opportunities to increase the availability of talent for Arvada businesses through expanding the workforce pipeline, childcare, and housing opportunities, which are all complementary to AEDA’s core services.
How does AEDA partner with the Arvada Chamber on the B.O.L.D. initiative?
The AEDA Board of Directors is a strong partner of B.O.L.D. and has pledged $50,000 in support of the initiative. As a precursor to B.O.L.D., AEDA supported the Arvada Chamber of Commerce with grant funds to help seed and implement the Arvada Works talent pipeline initiative.
What is the most important piece of data Arvada businesses should know right now?
Colorado is experiencing a decline in its rate of population growth with net losses in population in its largest counties. Denver, Boulder, Jefferson and Arapahoe counties lost nearly 34,000 residents combined in domestic out-migration over the past two years, according to counts from the U.S. Census Bureau*. This population decline will likely create even more constraints on the available talent pool to support existing business growth and the ability for the region to attract new businesses. Focusing on collective and broad environmental workforce solutions might be more critical now than ever.
*Aldo Svaldi, Denver Post, “Has Denver lost its edge? Colorado’s biggest counties are losing population,” 4/18/23
What is the most important resource Arvada businesses should be aware of?
The Arvada Resiliency Task Force (ART) is a collaborative strategic partnership of several business, nonprofit and community support organizations across Arvada, which collectively offer resources, programs and referrals for nearly every type of business need. Partners, including AEDA, offer opportunities such as free business counseling through the Small Business Development Center, and access to capital through microloans and other nonprofit commercial lending organizations, among other opportunities.
What is one way Arvada businesses can better (or best) engage with AEDA?
AEDA has an experienced team of economic development professionals that are here to help businesses succeed here in Arvada. Get in touch with the team by:
- Email: bizinfo@arvada.org
- Facebook: @investinarvada
- Instagram: @investinarvada
For further information, visit arvadaeconomicdevelopment.org.
Arvada Economic Development Association is:
- Daniel Ryley, Executive Director, dryley@arvada.org (pictured)
- Melissa Marmitt, Senior Economic Development Specialist, mmarmitt@arvada.org
- Izabela Petrykowska, Senior Economic Development Specialist, ipetrykowska@arvada.org
- Liz Johnson, Marketing and Communications Manager, ejohnson@arvada.org

B.O.L.D. 2026 is a five-year regional economic strength and resiliency initiative of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber developed BOLD 2026 in consultation with private and public sector leaders and partners in Arvada, Jefferson / Adams Counties, Metro Denver and the state of Colorado. Learn more at arvadachamber.org/BOLD2026.