
Survey: Childcare + Student Support Business Impact

Survey: Childcare + Student Support Business Impact

The Arvada Chamber is working to understand how we support the immense impact that COVID-19 has had on student support and childcare resources. We have developed the below survey for our local businesses to offer feedback on how they are thinking about this challenge that we are concerned will lead to additional people becoming unemployed and more missed work. We are committed to developing community-wide solutions to remedy this and your feedback is a critical piece of this work.

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Workforce and Unemployment Guidance

Workforce and Unemployment Guidance

The economic downturn associated with COVID-19 has put significant strain on both employers and employees. To help with this situation, the Arvada Resiliency Taskforce has collected an abundance of resources for those who have been forced to lay off staff as well as assistance for those employees that have lost their jobs.

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COVID-19 Workforce Toolkit

COVID-19 Workforce Toolkit

The Arvada Chamber of Commerce recognizes that many companies are having to make temporary/permanent decisions on their workforce. These are incredibly difficult decisions. One of the new functions we are taking on through Arvada Works is to understand these changing times and connect resources appropriately.

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2020 Tackle Talent Series

2020 Tackle Talent Series

The Arvada Chamber is proud to introduce the Tackle Talent Series, a four-part series designed to help members find, develop and retain the best local employees.

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