The economic downturn associated with COVID-19 has put significant strain on both employers and employees. To help with this situation, the Arvada Resiliency Taskforce has collected an abundance of resources for those who have been forced to lay off staff as well as assistance for those employees that have lost their jobs.
Being Mindful of Your Mental Health
Taking care of yourself is critical especially at a time like this. The Arvada Resiliency Taskforce has compiled resources for coping with stress and action steps to take care of your health.
Business Funding Options
The Arvada Resiliency Taskforce has compiled a list of COVID-19 funding opportunities that may be available to you and your business. Please explore your options carefully. We will keep this list updated as new programs are announced.
Arvada Resiliency Taskforce
As announcements of COVID-19 started to rattle Arvada, organizations across the community united together to create the Arvada Resiliency Taskforce. With a cross-section of local partners we are supporting efforts to understand the impact of COVID-19 closures and respond quickly with programs, resources and policy shifts. The taskforce is working diligently to achieve the following outcomes:
Virtual Experiences
The Arvada Chamber of Commerce is excited to share this event calendar of all of the amazing virtual experiences happening in the coming weeks. Whether it be fitness and dance classes, virtual art gallery tours, videos of live theater performances, music and art lessons, etc., we want to share your happenings.
Banks and Credit Unions – COVID-19 Information
Banks and credit unions are urging their customers under financial duress from the shutdowns and other effects associated with COVID-19 to contact their personal and/or business bankers to investigate individual solutions that could potentially fit their needs....