Operating a restaurant is hard work. The past couple of years have made it even more challenging for restaurant owners. It’s a major commitment to open and grow your business and consistently provide your customers with top notch food and service. So, when something...
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Preventing Separation Anxiety After the COVID-19 Pandemic | Harmony Veterinary Center
Our pets are family members, and during the ongoing pandemic so many pet owners have been at home with their pets more than ever before. Some puppies have never known life without their human at home! Spending most of our time together can increase the human-animal...
Celebrating Women in Vet Medicine | Harmony Veterinary Center
March is Women’s History Month, a perfect time to acknowledge and celebrate not only the women who take care of the special animals in your life, but also those who have pioneered techniques that allow us to better understand and treat them. Just 30 years ago, it was...
5 Ways to Follow Up After a Networking Event | By Tonia Martinez, Career Transformations
[su_spacer size="10"]By Tonia Martinez, Career Transformations [su_spacer size="10"] When I founded Career Transformations in 2019, I joined a large networking organization that truly taught me how to network effectively. Networking can be time-consuming but learning...
Post-Marshall Fire: Facts For Boulder County Property Owners, by Restoration 1 of West Denver
As with all catastrophes, it’s buyer-beware time. When hiring anyone to do work around your home or office, make sure they’re professional and experienced in mitigation. A local company is often preferred because they have an invested interest in the area. This past...
Walking Your Dog for Weight Loss – By Julia McPeek (CEO), Harmony Veterinary Center
By Julia McPeek (CEO), Harmony Veterinary Center With all of the new year resolutions being made this time of year, there’s no better time to start a new routine that benefits both you AND your dog! We often recommend walking as a key element of canine weight loss and...