Member Post

Be A Tech Star – Virtually Plan, Collaborate, and Meet Like an Expert

Be A Tech Star – Virtually Plan, Collaborate, and Meet Like an Expert

Now that you have embraced technology tools to help you work, the Arvada Chamber wants to help you become a tech star in your business! Our webinar on Monday, May 4th helped us to learn how the pros use tools like Zoom, Slack, Click-Up and more to make the most of working virtually. Below, find speaker information, tips from the webinar, and a video to watch the whole presentation. Thank you to our sponsor, TDS Telecommunications LLC!

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Mothers’ Milk Bank Fully Operational To Meet The Needs Of Fragile Babies |  By Christine Patoff, Rocky Mountain Children’s Health Foundation

Mothers’ Milk Bank Fully Operational To Meet The Needs Of Fragile Babies | By Christine Patoff, Rocky Mountain Children’s Health Foundation

The dangerous pandemic sweeping the planet may have an immeasurable impact on its newest residents.  Messages about the safety of breastfeeding can be confusing and some hospitals are instituting separation rules for new mothers who have shown signs of or tested positively for COVID-19. Human milk is a baby’s best first food and milk banks are in a key position to help fill the gap, providing essential nourishment for newborns if their own mother’s milk is not available.

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