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Acupuncture for Spring Training | Heide Manns, Life Long Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Spring Training | Heide Manns, Life Long Acupuncture

As the weather begins to warm up and the days are getting longer, we will have more opportunity to get out and be active! After a long, cold winter, getting active again may feel like a challenge. If your joints are stiff and your muscles are tight or you have been neglecting that troublesome shoulder, knee, back, or hip, acupuncture is an excellent choice for recovery.

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How to Help an Employee with Substance Abuse Problems | By Kelsey Goss, Creative Treatment Options

How to Help an Employee with Substance Abuse Problems | By Kelsey Goss, Creative Treatment Options

Do you have a key employee that is showing a decline in their performance, not getting along with others, or frequently tardy?One in eight people struggle with a substance use disorder, and the abuse of legal prescriptions and illegal substances often first show up as behavioral changes. Caught early and treated appropriately, major job impacts can be corrected or prevented.

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