At the Arvada Chamber of Commerce we recognize that Chamber membership is not one-size-fits-all and we work diligently to engage our members in the programs and opportunities that fit their business goals and needs. Each month we will be featuring a “theme” in an effort to help you understand the many programs that we offer.
Tis the season…so this month we will be featuring our advocacy work that is done through our Government Affairs Committee, Board of Directors, Jefferson County Business Lobby and our 3rd Friday Breakfast Series. Take a moment to consider if this is something you would like to learn more about and what form that could take. Any member of the Chamber team would love the opportunity to meet with you and assist you in creating a custom membership plan. Our primary focus is your success and we look forward to assisting you in the growth and development of your business.
Best Wishes,
Kami Welch, Arvada Chamber President
The Lingo
Government Affairs Committee: The Government Affairs Committee of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce is comprised of representatives from a diverse mixture of Chamber members, who review proposed ordinances, statutes and regulations to evaluate their potential impacts on members of the Chamber. Click here to watch a short film about the Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee! Board of Directors: Formal approval is required by our board to take a positions on legislative issues. The board will take positions on issues. Never on candidates. JCBL: Jefferson County Business Lobby (JCBL) represents over 21,000 businesses and 305,000 jobs through four business organizations: Arvada Chamber of Commerce, Greater Golden Chamber of Commerce, Evergreen Chamber of Commerce, Jefferson County Economic Development Corporation and the West Chamber of Commerce.
The Priorities
Economic Development
• Support/defend tax credits for advanced industry investment, workforce development, and job creation and growth.
• Support measures to reduce the regulatory burdens and reduce the cost of doing business in Colorado.
• Support construction defects reform and other measures to incentivize the development of for-sale workforce housing.
• Maintain tax increment financing as an important tool for redevelopment.
Education and Workforce Development
• Support tax credit for talent retention in key areas (IT, STEM, Vocational Training)
• Support public education/workforce development.
• Support talent tax credit for employer-paid student loan repayments for employees who has four-year degree, two-year degree, or vocations certificate in a STEM field.
• Support funding for roads and capital construction.
• Defend use of public private partnerships for infrastructure development
Government Finance/TABOR
• Support creation of an enterprise for the hospital provider fee to remove the fee from TABOR calculations.
• Support long-term solutions to address the problems caused by numerous constitutional amendments that restrict the State’s ability to pay for basic services such as roads and infrastructure and higher education.
Get Involved
Join the Government Affairs Committee
• Meetings are the first Friday of the month at 10 am at Arvada Chamber offices!
• Understand local, state and national issues
• Assist in the selection of 3rd Friday Breakfast topics
• Form questions for candidate forums
• Serve on committees such as Jefferson County Business Lobby
• Testify at the capitol in your areas of specialty
Attend a 3rd Friday Breakfast
• Every 3rd Friday of the month (except December)
• Annual Topics Include: State of the Economy, State of the City, State of the County, State of Education, Election Forums, Mayors Roundtable and MORE!
Stay in the Know!
• Follow the Chamber on Social Media for legislative updates and positions.
• Read the Chamber BLOG and Newsletter for Capitol Watch updates, legislative positions and more.
• Schedule a meeting with a member of the Chamber team to find out HOW you can get involved! Call us at (303) 424-0313 to schedule your meeting today!
February 2025 Update The Metro-West Advanced Manufacturing Alliance (MWAMA) was formed to provide an opportunity for the industry to come together, discuss trends and opportunities and collectively resolve ongoing challenges. MWAMA is an industry-led initiative that...
ARVADA, CO, February 20, 2025 - This month, the Greater Arvada Chamber of Commerce completed the distribution of $400,000 to 50 different employers through the Work-Based Learning Incentive Program. This state-funded program enabled businesses and non-profits across...