by Samantha Geerdes, Arvada Chamber of Commerce
Hopefully, you already have your tickets to the 2017 Taste of Arvada- the most delicious event of the year! If not, you can get them here – but hurry, last year’s event sold out before the day-of, so buy now to secure your spot.
Although everyone who attends this event is guaranteed to have a good time, I wanted to share some insider tips to make sure you have the best possible experience! Here are the top 10 things to know before you go!
- Come HUNGRY! Not like, “I had a late lunch so I’m a bit peckish” hungry, but REALLY hungry! There will be over 60 different types of food and beverages available to sample. And while they are all just small bites, those small bites will add up and you will leave stuffed!
- Start from the back. When you get into the event, we suggested heading straight to the back (as everyone else will be tempted by the first things they see) to avoid the lines! The entrance will put you in the big gym, but head back to the small gym… work your way around the vendors and don’t forget the ones in the middle of the room. But, make sure you stop at the ID check first (which is located in the back of the big gym, right next to the entrance to the small gym) if you plan on trying any alcoholic beverages.
- Don’t forget the non-food vendors. Between bites, or if you need a little digestion break, stop by one of the several non-food vendors at the event. They will be doing some great giveaways, enter-to-wins and we hear there will even be a giant prize wheel at one location!
- Say cheese! Look for the awesome photo booth provided by Picture This so you can take home a souvenir of this tasty evening.
- Make your voice heard! Make sure you pick up a ballot when you arrive and drop it in one of the many ballot boxes placed around the event before you leave! Our restaurants love to compete for best of the Taste of Arvada in several categories, so make sure you let us know what you loved!
- Come early and be patient. We recommend getting there a half an hour before your entrance time (soVIP 4:30 and General 5:30). This will give you enough time to find parking (see #7), come in and pick up your tickets (see #8) and get in line. Because there is only one entrance into the event, you’ll have to wait in line. But, don’t worry, we will get everyone in as quickly as possible so you can get to noshing!
- Know where to park. Don’t want to circle the main parking lot looking for a spot? We have three (yes, 3!) other options for you. You can park in the church across the street from Apex, the skate park or in the field behind the building.
- You bought tickets online, now what? You can pick them up at the Chamber office until Friday, October 20th. Can’t make it by then? No worries, simply pick them up at Will Call (located right inside the Ice Arena Entrance). But (see #6) there will be a line, so come early and be patient.
- Bring a purse or small bag in with you. Many of the restaurants will be offering coupons, menus, exc. That you can pick up and take home with you. Maybe even bring a pen so you can jot down your favorite items you tried and take notes on the places you want to check out!
- Be open to trying new things! We have several new restaurants sampling at the event as well as a variety of cuisines! Even if you think you may not like something we encourage you to give it a try- you may discover your new favorite food!