- Individuals who are hearing impaired or otherwise disabled or who are communicating with someone who is hearing impaired or otherwise disabled and where the ability to see the mouth is essential to communication.
- Individuals who are seated at a food service establishment or actively eating or drinking.
- Individuals who are asked to temporarily remove their Face Covering for identification purposes in furtherance of a particular service requiring legal identification.
- Individuals who are actively engaged in a public safety role, such as law enforcement personnel, firefighters, or emergency medical personnel.
- Individuals who are actively engaged in a performing arts performance, leading religious services, or engaged in other similar activities, so long as the individual maintains at least twelve (12) feet distance from non-household members indoors.
- Individuals who are receiving a personal, religious, or medical service where the temporary removal of the Face Covering is necessary to perform the service.
- Individuals who are alone in an enclosed room or only with members of their same Household in an enclosed room.
- Individuals who are in a swimming pool and actively engaged in a pool activity in which their Face Covering might become wet.
- Individuals participating in certain indoor sports activities as permitted by Boulder County Public Health’s sports guidance.
[su_spacer size=”10″]What is required of businesses under the Order?
Businesses and owners and operators of public indoor spaces should post signs at their entrances indicating that a mask is required for all individuals age 3 and older in order to enter. Businesses should deny entry to all individuals who do not comply with the requirements of the Order. Signs to print can be found here.[su_spacer size=”10″]
My employee requested a medical exemption to the Order. What should I do?
Each business should evaluate a request for a medical exemption on a case-by-case basis. Employers are encouraged to review the State of Colorado’s Civil Rights Guidance or consult with legal counsel for additional information. Whether a business or facility can (or should) request or require a doctor’s note depends upon the laws applicable to the business and businesses and facilities should consult with legal counsel about their specific circumstances.[su_spacer size=”10″]
What should an employer or business do if a patron refuses to comply with the Order?
Businesses are required to deny individuals entry for failure to wear a mask unless one of the exemptions or exceptions applies. Businesses are encouraged to consult with legal counsel and review the State’s Civil Rights Guidance and determine their obligations under the American with Disabilities Act and other federal and state laws.