Legislation Update: Fair Work Week

March 03, 2023

In February, the Arvada Chamber called for business input on House Bill 23-1118, titled “Fair Work Week Employment Standards.” As introduced, this bill was alarming to the business community by proposing to put in place state laws around when, how and for how long an employee could be scheduled for work among other requirements. With advocacy from Jefferson County Business Lobby (JCBL) members, and our lobby team at the capitol, the sponsors substantially modified the original bill by removing several troublesome provisions before the scheduled hearing with the House Committee on Business Affairs and Labor.

At the February 16th committee hearing business leaders from across the state, and Jefferson County, gave 7 hours of witness testimony about the potential impacts of the bill on both their businesses and employees. Arvada Representative and lawyer by profession, Rep. Lindsey Daugherty (HD 24) posed good legal questions to her colleagues on the committee about potential litigation traps hidden in the bill. The storytelling from the community proved powerful, and at the House Committee on Business Affairs and Labor meeting on March 2nd, House Bill 1118 died on a 2-8 vote. 

Thank you to the business community from across the state and JCBL members who took the time to come to the capitol, call, and write emails to our state legislators about this bill. Your advocacy mattered and we hope you stay connected to the work of the Advocacy KAPS Council and JCBL as the session continues.


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