Membership Impact Update | August 2020

August 12, 2020
The Arvada Chamber is the catalyst for solving Arvada’s most critical business challenges and a champion for advancing a thriving community. This mission drives our commitment to seven priority areas which help our member businesses, and all of Arvada, thrive.
[su_spacer size=”5″]None of our goals to best serve Arvada businesses are possible without engagement from you, our members. As you read through the updates below, please consider how you’d like to get more involved and contact us for details!
In July, the Arvada Chamber convened the Arvada Works KAPS Council to determine challenges and opportunities related to COVID-19 and identified new action steps for enhancing work-based learning for youth and adults. As part of these efforts, we launched an asset mapping process to more easily identify community organizations that are working to improve the talent pipeline and increase communication between these local stakeholders.[su_spacer size=”5″]
Arvada Chamber President Kami Welch continues to serve as a Talent Pipeline Fellow for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and supports discussions around national trends impacting talent.[su_spacer size=”5″]
WHAT’S NEXT?[su_spacer size=”5″]
Our 2020 Arvada Works Business Engagement Survey is now live! This is a call for employers to play an expanded leadership role as “end customers” of education and workforce partnership. Business engagement is critical for the Arvada Works program to best support an improved local talent pipeline.[su_spacer size=”5″]
Also this month, the initial framework for a Top Talent Toolkit and Data Report Card will be shared with Arvada Works stakeholders. Sign up to receive those updates here.
We have worked with Paladina Health to add Return to Work and COVID-19 related resources for all Arvada Healthcare Alliance(AHA) members who use Paladina. Additionally, we approved a framework to add additional providers to the program, including vision, dental, behavioral health and more.[su_spacer size=”5″]
WHAT’S NEXT?[su_spacer size=”5″]
Now is a great time to join AHA to solve your toughest healthcare challenges! If you currently have no healthcare coverage or benefits, or are looking to improve access and frequency of care, click here to join the extended AHA pilot program. And stay tuned for new provider announcements in the coming months.

On July 29, the Arvada Chamber hosted the 69th Annual Awards Ceremony, a long-standing tradition in Arvada recognizing outstanding eight local leaders for community involvement, generosity and overall impact. Click here to read about the award winners and watch videos of the Man and Woman of the Year.

Arvada Young Professionals (AYP) has continued its signature events over Zoom throughout the pandemic. The professional development meeting on July 15th was hosted by AYP Member of the Month, Brie Dilley with Hope House of Colorado, and featured a mindfulness tips presentation by Dawn King.[su_spacer size=”5″]
WHAT’S NEXT?[su_spacer size=”5″]
Nominations for the Arvada Chamber Board of Directors closes on August 14. Applications for Leadership Arvada programs are due on August 26. This month, Arvada Young Professionals will also be testing a small in-person happy hour on August 12th. Details can be found here.
In July, the Arvada Chamber hosted the State of Education with Jeffco Public Schools (video recording and FAQs here). We also continue to represent on the Jefferson County Business Recovery Taskforce to provide feedback to Jefferson County Commissioners, staff and Public Health.[su_spacer size=”10″]
House Bill 20-1002, signed into law in July by Governor Jared Polis, will allow Colorado students and members of the current workforce to earn college credit for skills gained through work-based learning experience. In this video overview of the bill, Senator Rachel Zenzinger reflects on this game-changing legislation and mentions the Arvada Chamber as a key champion of the bill and workforce development.[su_spacer size=”10″]
WHAT’S NEXT?[su_spacer size=”5″]
Join us on August 21 for the virtual Jefferson County Election Forum with county commissioners and district attorney candidates. Register for free here. This month, the Government Affairs Committee will review November’s proposed ballot questions to determine business impact and will work to take positions of support, oppose or abstain.


We are re-launching the Marketing Education Series in early September. This is a three-part, virtual crash course in marketing and communications best-practices and strategy for small businesses, led by local marketing experts.

Inspiring Women has continued to meet over Zoom throughout the pandemic with an average of 20 attendees per meeting. The Chamber launched two new Networking Groups, both with a B2B focus. The other two Chamber Networking Groups continued to meet during the pandemic, with one meeting in person and the other virtually. Total member participation in Chamber Networking Groups reached 40 the past month and is poised for more growth. To learn more, contact Douglas Cole at[su_spacer size=”5″]


Join us on August 13 for a fun hour of speed networking and resource sharing at our Virtual Business After Hours. Attendees will connect one-on-one in rotating breakout rooms, getting the opportunity to meet new members and catch up with old friends. Limited to 30 members; sign up here to hold your spot!
In July, 224 unique Arvada businesses applied for free PPE supplies, provided by the City of Arvada. To date, we’ve provided approximately 10,000 masks, 1,200 rolls of paper towels, 400 bottles of disinfectant, 200-gallon jugs of hand sanitizer, 200 boxes of gloves and 180 thermometers.
The Arvada Chamber, in partnership with Adams County and the City of Arvada, has distributed nearly $200,000 in mini-grants to 74 Arvada businesses and non-profits impacted by COVID-19.[su_spacer size=”5″]
The Chamber’s “Invest in Arvada” publication highlighted 67 member businesses and was mailed to approximately 50,000 homes in Arvada.[su_spacer size=”5″]
Also last month, over 40 Arvada businesses joined the Chamber’s free Arvada Strong membership, which provides updates for critical funding and resources. Plus, the Chamber hosted the “Before, During and After a COVID-19 Outbreak” webinar with experts from Jefferson County Public Health.[su_spacer size=”5″]
Stay tuned this month for the launch of the Resilience and Recovery Taskforce and the Childcare Resources Toolkit.[su_spacer size=”5″]


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