Navigating Business: Building a Stronger Talent System for the Future

April 12, 2023

By Kami Welch, Arvada Chamber of Commerce President

As we look at the current state of our talent system, it’s hard to ignore the clouds looming overhead. I hear everyday from businesses who are struggling to find the skilled workforce they need to meet their current demand.  The low unemployment rates, skills gaps, declining birth rates, and high living costs are a perfect storm that is wreaking havoc on our ability to attract and retain top talent. This is not a new conversation, we have all been having it for years. Our stifled ability to improve the issue is not caused by lack of concern across the region, but it is a reflection of a lack of coordination and alignment. Without an immediate, systemic solution our talent system will continue to subside. 

I have been lucky enough to connect with hundreds of businesses, leaders and other Chambers across the country about how their workforce systems operate. These conversations have provided incredible context to understand the root cause of why most solutions don’t stick. I believe that there are three areas of focus that will allow the rest of the pieces to fall into place. I realize it is not as simple as three takeaways, but it is a start. 

First, we can’t look at the talent system as a collection of individual components. It’s a complex and interconnected system, and we must take a systems approach to truly address the underlying causes of the challenges we face. By doing so, we can identify potential areas of leverage for change, anticipate unintended consequences of our actions, and ultimately create more effective and sustainable solutions. There are countless partners doing great work in our region, but we tend to do it in silos. It’s time to play together in the sandbox! 

How does this look in practice? Imagine a regular convening of Jeffco Public Schools, post-secondary institutions, workforce development nonprofits, Jefferson County Business and Workforce Center, economic development leaders and more sitting at one table sharing resources, information and marching in the same direction. This is exactly the effort of the Arvada Chamber KAPS Council – KAPS stands for Kick-Ass Problem Solvers – and that is exactly what they are going to do!

Second, Employers will need to play an expanded leadership role in the early phases of our talent system. Historically, employers have been at the mercy of whatever talent comes their way. It is time to start controlling the outcomes through demand planning, skill alignment and increased engagement with suppliers of talent. Employers will also need to support work-based learning opportunities, such as internships, apprenticeships, and job shadowing. These programs provide students and workers with hands-on experience and on-the-job training, helping to bridge the skills gap and create a pipeline of skilled workers who are well-prepared for the demands of the job market. Unfortunately, not nearly enough employers are engaging in work-based learning and we must increase this number substantially in the next few years to meet the needs.

Third, the K-12 system plays a critical role in improving workforce readiness – it is the base of the pyramid! Without a strong base the rest of the structure can’t balance. It’s time to provide students with exposure to different careers and industries, integrate real-world learning opportunities into the curriculum, and work with employers to ensure that students are developing the skills and competencies that are in demand in the job market. By doing so, we can better prepare our students for success in the 21st-century workforce. I appreciate that Jeffco Public Schools’ strategic plan, Jeffco Thrives 2025, recognizes the value of improving outcomes for students. The challenge is and will continue to be how this is embedded and scaled across the region. There are huge opportunities with the launch of Career Hubs in our high schools and the use of data-informed workforce technology. However, the ability to truly integrate in our K-12 system will certainly require a level of consistency, grit and focus from multiple stakeholders.

Jefferson County is uniquely positioned to do everything outlined above! We have incredible organizations, leaders, resources and most importantly we have been building toward the above infrastructure for many years. The road may continue to be bumpy, but with determination, creativity, and a little bit of luck, we can overcome the challenges we face and build a talent system that truly works for everyone.

B.O.L.D. 2026 is a five-year regional economic strength and resiliency initiative of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber developed BOLD 2026 in consultation with private and public sector leaders and partners in Arvada, Jefferson / Adams Counties, Metro Denver and the state of Colorado. One goal of B.O.L.D. 2026 is to grow our talent to meet the needs of employers and job seekers. Learn more about our talent challenges and work here.


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