Share Your #KindArvada Stories!

In this strange, unprecedented time, the Arvada Chamber and our partners in the Arvada Resiliency Taskforce have been overwhelmed by examples of the community stepping up for each other. A single act of kindness, especially in difficult times, can make a huge difference in other’s lives. The Starfish Story illustrates the power of one kind act:

One day, a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The youth replied, throwing a starfish back into the ocean. “The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw it back, it will die.” “Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!” After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”

We want to do our part in recognizing and sharing your stories of kindness during this difficult time we’re all experiencing together. Share your stories of kindness on social media with the hashtag #KindArvada and we’ll repost. We are looking for examples of people going out of their way to help others in the community. These can be stories of assisting the elderly or sick or less fortunate, stories of kind gestures for our heroes in the medical field, thoughtful initiatives for or from businesses, or a simple act like shoveling snow for a neighbor.

We can all use some positive news right now – so share your #KindArvada stories and photos on social media or email them to Collectively, these small acts of kindness will go a long way in keeping our community strong. #WeGotThisArvada


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