Talent Talk: Addressing Childcare | Webinar Recording

March 31, 2022

On Wednesday, March 30, the Arvada Chamber hosted “Addressing Childcare,” the first of its quarterly Talent Talk series. The Chamber partnered with Executives Partnering to Invest in Children (EPIC) to dig into data trends and pandemic impacts, learn more about statewide efforts to implement universal preschool, and identify ways for employers (big or small) to address this issue for their workforce and local community.

The Arvada Chamber’s quarterly Talent Talk series allows attendees to expand knowledge around key workforce issues, connect with other passionate business and community leaders and better understand how you can navigate growing talent challenges. The Chamber understands that access to quality, affordable early childhood care and education is critical to developing, attracting, and retaining talent. Accessible childcare is a key part of the underlying infrastructure in our community, which supports higher workforce participation while ensuring children have access to high-quality care and learning experiences.

Thank you to our keynote speaker, Nicole Riehl, President and CEO at EPIC, for the detailed presentation. Watch the full recorded session, with time stamps on trends and data discussed below.


  • Introduction [3:52]
  • Data and Studies on the Importance of Childcare for Businesses [6:28]
  • Labor Force Participation rate in Colorado [8:02]
  • COVID Impact on Childcare [9:17]
  • Impact of Childcare on Women in the Workforce [10:43]
  • Childcare Quality and Supply in Arvada [15:00]
  • The Economic Cost of Childcare Shortage [19:30]
  • What Can Employers Do? [21:50]
  • Q&A [42:00]


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